Trusting Male Supplements

Tell us more about that.Yeah, so when, you know for me, I have had an interesting journey over the past few years around trying to get the messages out into the main- stream media through the BMJ and through articles in the Guardian and the Daily Mail, etc. about the harms of sugar and why…

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Male Supplement Risks

These are garden variety over the counter, safe drugs, Advil, Tylenol, the generic versions Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Aspirin. These are relatively safe drugs. Over the counter, they’re not even prescription. And even they, in moderate overdose, can cause a stomach bleeding and other health problems. Whereas with vitamin C, the number one side effect is failure…

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History of Supplements For Men

The mode of the life of American Indians had much to do with their disinterest in male stimulants. To survive, most tribes had to hunt constantly for food, and the healthy sport kept them physically fit as well as capable of enduring many hardships. Life in the wilderness would not tolerate detrimental health habits and…

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