Trusting Male Supplements

Tell us more about that.Yeah, so when, you know for me, I have had an interesting journey over the past few years around trying to get the messages out into the main- stream media through the BMJ and through articles in the Guardian and the Daily Mail, etc. about the harms of sugar and why we need to address it. And after I wrote an article in the BMJ in May 2013, which was called the Dietary and Advice on Added Sugar as a Need of Emergency Surgery, basically saying that, the current food labeling, the messaging was actually encouraging excess sugar consumption, and we need to do something about it. I got contacted by a guy called Graham MacGregor, Professor of Cardiovascular Prevention in London and he had done a lot of work over the last, you know, decade plus or so, in reducing salt consumption in the U.K. across the population.  Learn more about male supplements at and
And he wanted to do the same thing about sugar. So we basically set up a group of international experts. Robert listing is on there, Yoni Freedhoff, you may know, a guy called Richard Johnson. So we got us a group of experts together and basically formed a kind of lobby group to try and pressurize the gov- ernment and the food industry almost simultaneously to ensure across the population we get a reduction in sugar consumption. So one of the recommendations we said is that we need the food industry to be regulated so they gradually over the pace of time scale of around four years in all foods, basically reduce the amount of sugar they add by about 40%. And from the calorie theory, that’s being calculated to be enough to stop and probably reverse the obesity epidemic, if you just stick to the calorie theory. But you and I know the benefits are going to go beyond that so that one of the things that we are doing. We also called for a sugar tax, sugary drinks tax. So we are really pressurizing the government and you know got lots of experts and people… Are they listening? Is the government listening or they interested?  Check out male supplements at 
Aseem: Well, they are into a lot of pressure actually, Mark, over here and I don’t know if you are following it, but you know the media is all over this, and it’s almost competition between newspapers now to put pressure on you know the government on sugar, which is amazing. And you know, people are having, it’s making people angry, especially when people are realizing how they feel they have been misled on the labeling. When they know now the World Health Organization recommends maximum upper limit for adults of six teaspoons of sugar a day or about 24, 25 grams of sugar, yet we know the average U.K. citi- zen, Mark, is consuming at least two to three times that amount and children much more. So I think once people have realized that and how they have been misled people are getting angry, the public now, you know, surveys are now showing that more than half of the British public are supporting a tax calls for a tax on sugary drinks, which is, you know, extraordinary. So I think things are moving certainly.